About Us


An Ocularist is an eye care professional who specializes in the fabrication and fitting of ocular prostheses for people who have lost an eye or eyes due to trauma or illness. The fabrication process of a custom made eye typically includes taking and impression of the eye socket, shaping a plastic shell, painting the iris and then fitting the ocular prostheses. To give our patients the best results of a life like artificial eye.

The Problem

  • Losing an eye could affect our patients not only physically but also psychologically where they feel different, and / or abandoned by society. Those patients have placed a demand on practitioners of the art and science of ocularistry.
  • Further more, patients in need of artificial eyes have limited choice and are forced to accept prostheses of modest quality, because there are only a few Ocularists in the kingdom.
  • Our designed Ocularistry clinic aims to achieve the highest quality. There for our continuous commitment to excellence make us believe the importance of taking care of details, and make all the effort needed to custom fit our patients with life like prosthesis. We strive also to provide other services that could be beneficial to our patient's profile .
  • Our goal is to establish the first Ocularisty clinic in the Kingdom, specialized in the fitting and fabrication of artificial eyes for patients who lost an eye or eyes as a result of trauma.