• What is an ocularist ?

    An ocularist is an eye care professional who specializes in the fabrication and fitting of ocular prosthesis for people who have lost an eye or eyes due to trauma or illness. We also educate and train our patients on how to clean their prosthesis and how to insert and remove the artificial eye. The fabrication process of a custom made eye typically includes taking an impression of the eye socket, shaping a plastic shell, painting the iris to give our patients the best results of life like artificial eye

  • What is the history of the artificial eyes ?

    Artificial eye-making has been practiced since ancient times. The first ocular prostheses was made by Roman and Egyptian priests as early as the fifth century B.C. In those days, artificial eyes were made of painted clay attached to a cloth and worn outside the socket. German glass- blowers had developed superior techniques, and the center for glass eye-making moved to Germany. During World War II, the imported German glass used for glass prostheses became unavailable in this country. As the result of this shortage, the U.S. Government, in conjunction with a number of American firms, popularized the techniques for making artificial eyes out of acrylic plastic.

  • What is the difference between 'stock' and 'custom' eyes?

    Our custom made artificial eyes are designed to fit the patient socket and match his / her companion eye color. The stock eyes in the other hand are mass-produced and are not made for a particular person, and it does not fit any particular patient, using simple colors and shapes. Unfortunately, stock eyes could affect the patient's socket and it could harm the eye socket. It is not professional medically or technically to use stock eyes for patients.

  • What are artificial eyes made off?

    Artificial eyes are made of acrylic plastic ( PMMA). Our prosthesis is made of a very fine acrylic plastic that can be molded, painted, pigmented and polished to create the most realistic and comfortable artificial eye. The plastic used is light in weight, yet tough enough to resist breakage if dropped not like glass eyes that can break easily.

  • To whom we use artificial eyes?

    For people who lost their eyes due to trauma, tumor, illness, disfigured eye. In our clinic we use state of the art technology for the best color, fit, and most of all comfort, and to increase our patient's morale and self-esteem after the trauma of losing an eye.

  • How do patients accept the idea of using artificial eye?

    In the first patient consultation visit usually the patients have many questions, and worries about the procedure of making artificial eyes. As soon as we explain to the patients that the procedure of making an artificial eye does not need an operation room and it is a painless procedure. The patient immediately will understand that fitting him / her with a custom made artificial eye, is the best solution for his/ her problems.

  • How long does the Ocularist need to make one an artificial eye ?

    The duration of making an artificial depends on the patient case, but usually we need 3 days to one week to fit patients. We make all the effort needed to custom fit our patients with a life like prosthesis.

  • How long does the patient need to adjust with the artificial eye?

    In the begging when the patient loses his eye. Adjusting to trauma of losing an eye could be difficult but with time and with the Ocularist support our patients can go back on live their life as they use to.

  • How long does an artificial eye last?

    In general, replacement is required every 3 years. But in some causes especially for children, teenagers patients need to change their prosthesis before 3 years

  • When should I visit the Ocularist?

    We recommend our patients to visit us every 6 months for a polish. We also advise our patients to visit the Ocularist immediately if something of the following occurred :

    • Loose of the eye prosthesis.
    • Fall of eye prosthesis .
    • Pain in the eye prosthesis.
    • Dislocation of the eye prosthesis.
    • Having discharge.
  • What is the importance of using artificial eyes?

    Artificial eyes are important for every patient who lost his / her eye because:

    • Patients can suffer from continuous infections and facial imbalance of eye lids.
    • Loose an eye could affect our patient's morale and self-esteem.
    • Our children patients could feel a banded or stigmatized by society.
  • Can someone notice if a patient is wearing an artificial eye?

    This all depends on the patient surgery that was done before fitting the artificial eye. It also depends on how good your Ocularist is. In general it is very difficult for other people to notice the difference between your artificial eye and your natural eye.